
Welcome to our living archive, documenting and drawing from diverse wisdoms in regards to today's environmental challenges. Hope you have a nice stay!

What's a Good Image for God's Kingdom? (Rev. Dr. Dan De Leon)

What's a Good Image for God's Kingdom? (Rev. Dr. Dan De Leon)

Here, Rev. De Leon shares a sermon on how the mustard seed and a small patch of neighborhood wilderness represent the Kingdom of God.

This week, my 15 year old noticed a big patch of bushes and tall grass, with a few tall trees growing out of it, with branches that make a canopy over the street. He saw all that green as something wild and beautiful that stood out from most everything else in the neighborhood…

There it was: Life growing freely.

And it provided shade for us, enough shade for the whole neighborhood… And that’s like a mustard seed, a mustard plant, because it offers more than any person can use. And THAT explains the kingdom of God.


Rev. Dan D. De Leon has been pastor at Friends Congregational Church, UCC, since 2005. In addition to maintaining a popular column he is a fearless social and environmental justice advocate. Dan is a member of our management team. See more of Dan’s work on AllCreation.org. This sermon is offered as part of our issue, “Celebrating Earth Day 2020.

Earth Day Prayer 2020 (Rev. Carmen Retzlaff)

Earth Day Prayer 2020 (Rev. Carmen Retzlaff)

Two Water Prayers (Dana Chiodo)

Two Water Prayers (Dana Chiodo)