Beauty & Balance (Chris Searles)
Chris Searles is the Executive Director of, the parent organization of
Yellow Rumped Warbler by Elizabeth O’Brien
Inspired by … Beauty and Balance
Welcome to My up and coming nonprofit, BioIntegrity, produces AllCreation. We are thrilled to partner with Pastor Carmen Retzlaff as editor for this collection of AllCreation pieces exploring biodiversity-inspired religious, indigenous, and spiritual-practice visual artworks. I started AllCreation in 2016 with Rev. Tom VandeStadt and served as editor for our first 36 issues. For me, AllCreation is an ongoing exploration of the question, What are the connections between today’s religious and spiritual practice communities and the other living members of the creation? AllCreation has pursued this question via our theme-based newsletters, which we think of as a magazine that is building an ever-growing resource for professionals and seekers.
It is true enlightenment to consider the evolution, existence, and continuation of Life.
It is true enlightenment to consider the evolution, existence, and continuation of Life. BioIntegrity and AllCreation share a passionate love and respect for Life, natural beauty and organic balance — as well as for the advancement of humanity into a bright future for all creatures on Earth. It is through observing natural beauty and organic balance, perhaps, that humans can best observe and experience truths. Academic studies on biodiversity, life’s continuation, ecosystems, natural beauty, wilderness, and organic balance reveal not only the health of humanity’s only planetary-scale life-support system, but also the Western European scientific community’s understandings on how Biosphere Earth works — which leads one to consider the more tangible mysteries, such as the mystery of existence itself and that there’s consciousness in all organisms.
In addition to producing AllCreation, my nonprofit BioIntegrity is working in several other ways to empower globally-strategic rescue and stewardship of Biosphere Earth.
Promoting globally-strategic conservation and restoration. We recently posted a 5-Year Global Impacts Report for First Baptist Church of Austin, TX, where BioIntegrity began. I am Very proud of this. BioIntegrity will post a similar report soon for Buddhist leader, Jared Michaels. BioIntegrity promotes best practice community-based initiatives around the world. Learn more. Our broad community has funded the protection of more than 295,000 acres of Earth’s most biodiverse ecosystems so far. Promoting “biospheric reformation.” I am currently finishing a paper on the value of Earth’s biosphere to humans. You can read a rough draft of it here. Educating the public. I give educational lectures fairly frequently. Our social media promotes biospheric science and climate solutions on a daily basis. Synthesizing reseach. I am currently drafting a set of papers, which will articulate BioIntegrity “2.0”’s focus. Please check back. (BioIntegrity “1.0” was based on the synthesis, The Systemic Climate Solution.) Please visit to learn more or to make a donation to help us grow.
Lastly, What is an Equinox?
Here’s a crash course. The Fall Equinox — also called the Autumnal Equinox — is one of just two days a year when daytime and nighttime are roughly equal in length. Derived from the Latin aequus (equal) nox (night), in the Northern Hemisphere the Fall Equi-nox kicks-off the first official day of fall. Earth’s equinoxes and solstices are determined by the angle of Earth’s axis to the sun. Here’s an image of the Spring equinox.
The relationship between the Earth, the Sun and the Stars. Tauʻolunga.
So then, what’s a solstice?
You may enjoy a couple of briefs i’ve written on the Jewish winter solstice and the Christian winter solstice.
Thank you again to Carmen, and thank you for this opportunity to share a bit about AllCreation and BioIntegrity. I hope you enjoy looking through the captivating visual artworks Carmen has assembled for this issue. Learn more about this issue. Check out recent photo gallery from me on natural beauty. And please join me in celebrating, appreciating and wondering at natural beauty, wilderness integrity, and organic balance.
BioIntegrity is committed to empowering people to protect and restore the Earth's biological integrity.
This piece is part of our series, Inspired by Beauty.