Welcome to our living archive, documenting and drawing from diverse wisdoms in regards to today's environmental challenges. Hope you have a nice stay!
Welcome to our Partners Page.
Want to go deeper in exploring your relationship with the Creation? Check out what our partners Kairos Earth, Center for Spirituality in Nature, Seminary of the Wild, Lutherans Restoring Creation, Waymarkers, and Wild Church Network offer. Explore faith, spirit, practice, relationships, biodiversity, and wilderness.
We cannot recommend these groups or their events highly enough.
Founded in 2016, Wild Church Network began as a phenomenon of isolated pastors and spiritual leaders taking steps to leave traditional buildings and build congregations that connect directly with the natural world.
Visit WildChurchNetwork.com for more info.
Browse our special issue on Wild Churches in North America.
Begun in 1997, today’s LRC is focused on cultivating creation stewardship and healing communities in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.
Visit LutheransRestoringCreation.org for more info.
Founded in 2010, don’t miss out on Mary Plate DeJong’s numinous writings and retreats connecting to our own, and the Creation’s, wild edges.
Learn more at Waymarkers.net.
Browse Mary DeJong's writings on AllCreation here.
Equipping leaders with an introduction to rewilding practices in an age of spiritual and ecological crisis. Notable workshop presenters include: Fr. Richard Rohr, Rev. Brian McClaren, and Mirabai Starr, among many others.
Visit SeminaryoftheWild.com for more info.
Browse co-founders Rev. Matt Syrdal’s writings and Victoria Loorz’s writings on AllCreation.
Participate in programs and communities, which support awakening, deepening, and mindfully living out the spiritual connection people find in and through nature.
Visit CenterforSpiritualityinNature.org for more info.
Kairos Earth seeks to renew understanding of the natural world as a bearer of the sacred and to restore this awareness as a foundation of Christian life and action to conserve the Earth.
Visit KairosEarth.org for more info.
Browse Rev. Steve Blackmer’s writings on AllCreation.
More soon!