Welcome to our living archive, documenting and drawing from diverse wisdoms in regards to today's environmental challenges. Hope you have a nice stay!
Our 2023 content:
Eco-Teologia (Spring Edition)
Called to CARE: Africa Exchange
Lamado a CUIDAR: Litio, Fey y Justicia Climática
Called to CARE: Scott Sabin
A Climate Transition Supported by Faith (Winter Edition)
Our 2022 content:
Dominionism (Spring Equinox)
Restoring Connective Tissue (Summer Solstice)
Called to CARE (First summit event)
Envisioning Transformation (Winter Solstice)
Our 2021 content:
Interconnectedness (Spring Equinox)
Apocalypse or Apokalypsis? (Summer Solstice)
Sacred Relationship (Fall Equinox)
Shmita Now (Winter Solstice)
Our 2020 content:
Reframing Darkness (Winter)
Celebrating Earth Day 2020 (Spring)
Inspired by Beauty (Fall)
The Beauty of Winter (Special collection)
Our 2019 content:
Exploring “Sacred Lands”, October
Lovers of the Land, April
Parable of the Seed, January
Our 2018 content:
Gratitude, December
Homelands, November
God is Truth, Truth in Nature, October
Hope for Change, September
Biodiversity, August
Water and Worship, June
Animal Encounters, May
Rewilding Our Hearts, April
Joy, Rejoicing, Biodiversity, March
Rising Up from the Ashes, February
Doing The Right Thing, January
Our 2017 content:
Winter, The Beauty of Winter, December
Gratitude, November
Harvested from the Earth, October
Prayers for Creation, September
Sacred Rituals, August
Wild & Domestic, July
Sounds of Nature, 4th of July
Youth Take Action, May
Restore the Earth, April
Worship with Nature, March
Tree of Life, February
Our 2016 content:
New Beginnings, December
Gratitude, November
Exploring Indigenous Spirituality, October
Protecting Nature Through Faith, September
Faith, Spirit, Biodiversity., August
Hello! AllCreation, June