Owners, Not Stewards... (Rev. Stephen Kinney)
"It’s all coming to a head in Matthew Chapter 21…"
In this groundbreaking sermon Rev. Kinney considers what it means to be a child of God. Paraphrased: If the cumulative impact of the Gospel stories tells us anything, it’s that we are not mere stewards managing God’s property, we’re not just workers and servants trying to do a good job … We have been given identity as beloved sons and daughters. . . God says, “You are my beloved son. You are my beloved daughter.” And if children, inheritors. Christ’s fellow heirs…
“A steward who handles stuff that doesn’t belong to him, is not us.
“What would our families be like if we lived out of that identity?
“We are owners of this planet.
"You are a beloved son, a beloved daughter. Let's go. Let's create. Let's start tending this garden as owners who have a stake in its outcome. If not us, who?"
CLICK HERE: to listen to Rev. Kinney's powerful address.
Rev. Dr. Stephen Kinney is Exec. Dir. at The Front Porch, an innovative community conversation series, a pastor at the historic All Saints Episcopal Church in Austin, TX (pictured above), and President-elect at Interfaith Action of Central Texas.