
Welcome to our living archive, documenting and drawing from diverse wisdoms in regards to today's environmental challenges. Hope you have a nice stay!

270 Religious leaders adopt Interfaith Climate Statement

270 Religious leaders adopt Interfaith Climate Statement

Just before Earth Day of this year, 270 leaders representing all of the world's major religions announced their unified backing of the Paris Climate Accord via release of the world's first, global Interfaith Climate Change Statement. One leader noted,  

“The environmental crisis is ultimately a crisis of the heart. We must strive to re-establish our relationship with the earth.”

Read the full article on ClimateChangeNews.com


Republican Senators Doing God’s Work on Climate Change

Republican Senators Doing God’s Work on Climate Change

Homo has a Sapiens Problem (Rev. Tom VandeStadt)

Homo has a Sapiens Problem (Rev. Tom VandeStadt)