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The Green Corn Ceremony (video gallery)

The Green Corn Ceremony (video gallery)

Fascinating American history, this ritual remains --

From Wikipedia:
The Green Corn Ceremony (Busk) is an annual ceremony practiced among various Native American peoples associated with the beginning of the yearly corn harvest. "Busk" is a term given to the ceremony by white traders, the word being a corruption of the Creek word puskita for "a fast". These ceremonies have been documented throughout the North American Eastern Woodlands and Southeastern tribes. Historically, the Green Corn Ceremony involves a first fruits rite in which the community would sacrifice the first of the green corn to ensure the rest of the crop would be successful. Green Corn festivals are still held today by many different tribes. The ceremony typically occurs late July–August, determined locally by the ripening of the corn crops. The ceremony is marked with dancingfeastingfasting and religious observations. 


Here are several videos, primarily Cherokee, showing various interpretations of the Geen Corn ritual and its music: 


We could not possibly give this topic the care and research it deserves. For more on the Green Corn Festival, visit: NativeAmericanNetroots, LegendsofAmerica, Cherokee Community of the Inland Empire, ChoctawSchool, Cherokee.orgSalamancaNY, PeopleofOneFire, Elements of Southeastern Indian ReligionIndians.org, and Indian Country Media Network, among many many others. For a general overview of Native American spirituality rituals, visit Indians.org. Here are more beautiful videos, via the YouTube playlist, "Pow Wows, Corn Ceremonies, & other sacred rituals." 

--Chris Searles (editor)

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