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A Little Bit About What My Children Are Teaching Me (Rev. Jared Michaels)

A Little Bit About What My Children Are Teaching Me (Rev. Jared Michaels)

A letter to subscribers of Jared's Wildfire newsletter, at JaredMichaels.com --


Dear Friend, 

I feel inspired to tell you a little bit about what my children are teaching me. 

Lately, the image of the sun has been coming up a lot for me as a metaphor for who I really am - boundless, whole, and shining. But I, like most of us, have a deeply ingrained pattern of forgetting who I really am. The beauty and brilliance of my children, though, regularly reminds me. 

When Madeleine was a baby, we took her to the hospital for a check up. We were out in the courtyard afterward and a nurse came up to us. She said, whimsically, "Babies are so close to God, aren't they?" What she meant is that they haven't developed patterns of forgetfulness yet. They haven't started believing that they are small, broken, or alone yet. They know who they really are - the sun, or God, etc. (feel free to insert any synonym that works for you here).  

So why am I sharing this with you? It's not just to share the joy, which I'm happy to do. It's also because I believe that remembering who we really are is the foundation of the world we're trying to create. Our current world is unraveling - burning up, dying off, and collapsing - and we are searching for a better way. I don't pretend to have all the answers. I think there are many critical ones like new laws and new inventions but this isn't my area of expertise. I do, however, think I know what our foundation is.

It is knowing our true selves. 

From this place we feel healthier and happier, we're creative, and we have the confidence necessary to unleash our love and genius on the world. 

So I encourage us to become passionate explorers of the truth of who we are, to surround ourselves with excellent teachers of the truth of who we are (like children), and to become beacons of the truth of who we are. In short, I encourage us to shine - to light up this world.


Jared Michaels is a Zen priest, psychotherapist, and Marriage and Family Therapist in San Francisco  (LMFT #84278). Visit Jared's website and Wildfire blog to learn more about his work. 

Jared Michaels is a Zen priest, psychotherapist, and Marriage and Family Therapist in San Francisco  (LMFT #84278). Visit Jared's website and Wildfire blog to learn more about his work. 

Play and Delight (Rev. Steve Blackmer)

Play and Delight (Rev. Steve Blackmer)

Beginning In Love (Rev. Steve Blackmer)

Beginning In Love (Rev. Steve Blackmer)