
Welcome to our living archive, documenting and drawing from diverse wisdoms in regards to today's environmental challenges. Hope you have a nice stay!

Native Reads and Sacred Relationships (Vance Blackfox)

Native Reads and Sacred Relationships (Vance Blackfox)

It rarely ever fails that when a Native person gives a presentation, or when a non-Native person needs to prepare for a presentation and wants to talk about Native people, the question is asked, "Can you suggest a book on Natives that I can use to prepare my presentation on..." And while I am glad that non-Native people are interested in learning about us, I was always at a loss for lists of books that I can offer to non-Native people, almost every time. 

So, Native Reads was born.  It is a book shop of books written by Native authors, listed by genre, for both young and older to read and enjoy. Our publisher was curious as to how Native Reads was connected to the theme "Sacred Relationships" and I will share with you that in both our fiction and non-fiction writing, just like in our lives and lifeways as Native people, there is always an element of honoring our children, elders, and non-human relatives. Read almost any of these beautiful books and you'll find that the author has taken us to that sacred place at some point in the story, because that in fact is our story innately as Indigenous people.

A big wado and yakoke to my loved ones, Sarah and Sara, for being the heart of this work and journey at Native Reads. We hope that you take some time to find a good, sacred relationship story in there somewhere.


Vance Blackfox is guest editor for AllCreation’s Fall Equinox 2021 collection, “Sacred Relationship” and member of the AllCreation team. This collection features articles, book excerpts, and media from an all-Native American team of contributors. Find out more about Vance and that collection here. See more of Vance’s work on AllCreation here. Visit, browse, and support the excellent Native Reads bookstore here: https://bookshop.org/shop/NativeReads. 

The Refuge: Fighting for a Way of Life (The Gwich'in People / Patagonia)

The Refuge: Fighting for a Way of Life (The Gwich'in People / Patagonia)

Summer Solstice Edition 2021, "Apocalypse?" (Chris Searles, editor)

Summer Solstice Edition 2021, "Apocalypse?" (Chris Searles, editor)