Homelands: Rooted In Belonging (Rev. Dan De Leon)
Rooted In Belonging. Our theme this month is Homelands. Please take a moment to watch Rev. De Leon’s sermon on the Gospel’s “homelands.” Here are a few of the many captivating thoughts from Rev. De Leon’s sermon, followed by the full video and text:
“We give You thanks for those who died serving a cause bigger than themselves…
“Our sense of belonging can get misplaced. This is where Rome got it wrong. Rome thought that everything belonged to Rome: the land, the water, the people, their labor, and their religion… Rome had a misplaced sense of belonging and Jesus knew it…
“God have mercy on our misplaced sense of belonging.
“When you objectify one another, you can’t See one another.
“His cry reminded me to whom I belong. May we all be so blessed.” (Rev. Dan De Leon)
Full sermon text: http://www.friends-ucc.org/wordpress/?p=3364
Rev. Dan D. De Leon has been pastor at Friends Congregational Church, UCC, since 2005. In addition to maintaining a popular column, he is a fearless social and environmental justice advocate. Dan is a member of our management team. See more of Dan’s work on AllCreation.org.