
Welcome to our living archive, documenting and drawing from diverse wisdoms in regards to today's environmental challenges. Hope you have a nice stay!

Shmita Live! (Allstar Conversation)

Shmita Live! (Allstar Conversation)

"We are commanded to sustain the world." - Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin & Rabbi Avram Resiner 

Shmita Live presents nine Jewish thought leaders talking about "Shmita", the Biblical commandments for living in balance with the environment and each other. Co-hosted by: National Wildlife Federation, AllCreation.org, Shmita Project Northwest, and Hazon.


  • Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin of St. Mary's Seminary and MDEHR

  • Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb of Adat Shalom, Interfaith Power & Light, and COEJL

  • Dr. Mirele Goldsmith of Jewish Earth Alliance

  • Simcha Schwartz of Wilderness Torah

  • Rabbi Laura Bellows of Dayenu

  • Nati Passow of Dayenu and Jewish Farm School

  • Shmita Project Northwest's Deirdre Gabbay

  • Hazon's Sarah Zell Young

  • National Wildlife Federation's Naomi Edelson

  • AllCreation.org's Chris Searles (moderator)

Click here to listen to Shmita Live:

Our theme, “We are commanded to sustain the world”, comes from Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin’s works and underscores the awakening that is embedded in this discussion. The Bible does say we should care for each other and Earth’s other life.

Panelists share their personal Shmita stories and expert resources, discuss how Shmita practices are being applied in the world today, and talk about Dominion’s true meaning.

Don’t miss this breakthrough conversation!

Background info:


Contemplating Dominion (Ryan Price)

Contemplating Dominion (Ryan Price)

Winter Solstice Edition 2021,  "Shmita Now" (Yaira Robinson, guest editor)

Winter Solstice Edition 2021, "Shmita Now" (Yaira Robinson, guest editor)