
Welcome to our living archive, documenting and drawing from diverse wisdoms in regards to today's environmental challenges. Hope you have a nice stay!

Two Water Prayers (Dana Chiodo)

Two Water Prayers (Dana Chiodo)

Let us pray –

We thank you, God for water.

By it, you give life to plants, animals, and all humankind.  

We thank you that in the beginning - your Spirit of creation moved over the face of the waters.  

We thank you for your rainbow covenant promise that emerged from the drowning flood waters.  

We thank you for Jesus, who offered “living water, a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” 

We thank you, God, that you have led us by still waters.  

And, we thank you for the promise that one day justice will flow like the waters, and righteousness like an overflowing stream.



Leader: Architect of the Universe, Your voice called out over the deep and darkness and brought forth light.

People: Your voice called out over the waters and brought forth life.

Leader:  Your voice called out over this earth and brought forth our very beings.

People: Your voice continues to call out in our Universe and bring new hope and new life.

Leader: Help us to hear Your voice above the hum of the highway and the buzz of the business talk.

People: Help us to hear Your voice in the cries of children, in the soft tones of the sick, in the pleas of the poor.

Leader: May we hear, listen, and respond to Your voice in our lives and in our world.

People: Let us worship together the God who created the world and gave us life. 


Dana Chiodo is a member of the First Baptist Church of Austin Green Team and a passionate environmental solutions seeker. These prayers are offered as part of our series, “Celebrating Earth Day 2020.” Each post offers recommendations for connecting religious and spiritual practices to greater relationship with Earth’s other living creatures.

What's a Good Image for God's Kingdom? (Rev. Dr. Dan De Leon)

What's a Good Image for God's Kingdom? (Rev. Dr. Dan De Leon)

Finding God in My Backyard (Sue Searles)

Finding God in My Backyard (Sue Searles)