Wild Yards
As a great man once said, "Let It Be." These photos and videos are from wild, suburban yards in Central Texas, Winter to Spring 2018. These yards are generally pruned and managed, not mowed and fertilized, which allows the natural ecosystem to do all the work of beautification and micro-climate stabilization. Special thanks to Julie Renfro, Amie King, the Dosters, and Matt Hubbard for sharing images from their wild yards.
Forest neighborhood, Austin.
Vegetation, north of Austin.
February rains, south of Austin.
Note how green this wild yard is.
Note also the diversity of vegetation making up the "grass" in the wild yard.
Compare the wild yard to the neighboring cultivated yard (yellow yard).
The cultivated yard: Yellow to the end of the block.
View of neighbor's cultivated yard, standing near the border of the wild yard.
Wild yard.
South Austin wild yard:
Suburban neighborhood wilds, North Austin, late March.
Dancing branches in a backyard bamboo forest, Austin, TX:
Backyard garden, Blanco, TX.
School campus, west of Austin.
Coffee shop & restaurant, Austin:
Wildlife in the wild yard, just south of Austin:
Pear tree.