
Welcome to our living archive, documenting and drawing from diverse wisdoms in regards to today's environmental challenges. Hope you have a nice stay!

Burning Bush Forest Church, Rev. Wendy Janzen

Burning Bush Forest Church, Rev. Wendy Janzen

Burning Bush Church
Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario

Burning Bush Forest Church worships in various urban forests in the Grand River Watershed, in southwestern Ontario, Canada. We are grateful to have wild places within the city, and to be able to re-member ourselves as part of the community of creation. These parks where we gather are home to a wide variety of species including beech tree and cedars, pleated woodpeckers and osprey, white-tailed deer and painted turtles, trillium and goldenrod. We worship outdoors in order to encounter God through both scripture and the book of creation, which offers insightful and challenging lessons as we pay attention to the changing seasons and cycles of life and death.

— Rev. Wendy Janzen




Cathedral of the Trees, Rev. Svinda Heinrichs and Rev. Marilyn Zehr

Cathedral of the Trees, Rev. Svinda Heinrichs and Rev. Marilyn Zehr

Bellingham Wild Church, Rev. Victoria Loorz

Bellingham Wild Church, Rev. Victoria Loorz