The Role of Islamic Teachings in Protecting the Planet (Dr. Hanaa Albanna)
The Role of Islamic Teachings in Protecting the Planet: Highlighting the Role of Faith in Driving Change and Our Responsibility as Muslims
By Dr. Hanaa Albanna, United Kingdom
In the face of escalating environmental concerns and the imminent challenges posed by climate change, Islamic teachings have emerged as a guiding force, steering millions towards a harmonious coexistence with the planet. The urgency of addressing climate challenges has underscored the need for a collective global effort to accelerate the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This article explores the transformative impact of Islamic teachings on environmental conservation, emphasising the central role of faith in driving global change. By delving into the ethical and moral fabric of Islamic beliefs, we aim to highlight the responsibilities Muslims carry as stewards of the Earth and provide insights into how they can actively contribute to sustainable practices.
Understanding the Islamic Perspective on Environmental Conservation
Islam, as a holistic way of life, encompasses guidance on every aspect of human existence, including the relationship between humanity and the environment. The Quran contains over 200 verses that mention the environment. These verses teach us that we have a responsibility to care for the Earth and to protect its resources.
One of the key Islamic teachings on environmental protection is the concept of ‘khalifah’, which means "stewardship" or "trusteeship." This concept teaches that humans are not the owners of the Earth, but rather they are its trustees. This means that they have a responsibility to care for the Earth and to protect it for future generations. This stewardship concept aligns with the goals of environmental preservation and sustainable development.
The Islamic perspective on environmental conservation extends beyond mere physical preservation; it encompasses an ethical framework that emphasises respect, moderation, and balance in interactions with nature. By recognizing the interconnectedness of all creation, Islam instils a deep sense of environmental consciousness, urging believers to adopt sustainable and responsible practices in their daily lives.
Moreover, Islamic ethics emphasise the equitable distribution of resources and the obligation to ensure that no harm is inflicted upon the environment. The concept of 'hisbah,' or accountability, encourages Muslims to actively prevent and rectify any environmental degradation, thereby upholding the principle of justice towards the Earth and future generations.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also set a practical example of environmental stewardship. He taught his followers to plant trees, conserve water, and be kind to animals.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasised the importance of preserving the environment, stating, "If a Muslim plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person, or an animal eats from it, it is regarded as a charitable gift (sadaqah) for him" (Bukhari). This hadith illustrates the far-reaching impact of individual actions in nurturing and sustaining the natural world.
The Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
“If the Hour (the day of Resurrection) is about to be established and one of you was holding a seedling, let him take advantage of even one second before the Hour is established to plant it.” (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad)
As Muslims, we never give up on life. Even if we’re told there’s no hope, we continue to provide people with the best of care to help their health improve. We should behave no differently towards our planet, our Creator has given us this Amanah (trust) and we must continue to show care, compassion and fight for her justice. This beautiful quote from our Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم above contains a clear instruction that regardless of what we may think is about to happen, we must continue to play our role and fulfil our duties. This narration can be used in various contexts but is very pertinent to today’s climate change challenges. Activism and campaigning for climate justice should be seen as an act of Ibaadah (worship).
Our Responsibility as Muslims
As stewards of the Earth, Muslims bear a profound responsibility to actively engage in environmental preservation and champion sustainable practices. The concept of 'khilafah' emphasises the divine trust placed upon humanity to safeguard the environment and utilise resources judiciously. Muslims are called to exercise ethical stewardship, promoting conservation, biodiversity, and ecological equilibrium.
Muslim women, as integral members of the community, play a unique role in environmental conservation. By embracing the teachings of Islam and utilising their roles as nurturers, influencers, and educators, they can make a significant impact on environmental conservation. Collective efforts contribute to a more sustainable and harmonious world, creating a better future for communities and generations to come.
The Importance of Education
Islamic teachings emphasise the importance of seeking knowledge. Educating Muslims about environmental issues, the impact of human activities, and the solutions available is a vital step towards change. Mosques, Islamic schools, and community organisations can play a pivotal role in spreading awareness and fostering a sense of environmental responsibility. Various organisations and initiatives have emerged with the objective of integrating Islamic principles with environmental stewardship. These efforts include educational programs, green mosques, and campaigns promoting sustainable living practices rooted in Islamic teachings. By leveraging the influence of faith, these initiatives seek to mobilise individuals and communities towards positive environmental action.
Faith-Inspired Discourses to Mitigate Climate Change
Climate change is a global challenge that requires local action across different sectors and disciplines. Framing faith-inspired discourses to mitigate climate change is critical to achieving sustainable development. Faith actors have the power of influencing the behaviour of people, whether ordinary people or those in power and decision-making. Relying on the power of the religious script and the convening power of religions, as well as the economic power of religious institutions, faith actors can and should be a driving force for achieving sustainability.
Everything we do is driven by our values and ethics. All religions are based on a set of values that have been followed and practised over centuries. As we are facing multiple global challenges, caused by greed, apathy, and indifference towards our nature and towards one another, it is time to reflect on such values and how they provide clear directions for living in harmony and balance with nature. It is time to act. It is time to set aside our differences and capitalise on the values that bring people together. Science and religions are saying the same thing about our role in disturbing the natural balance. We must bring both to sustain humanity and nature.
Dr. Albanna
The Urgency of Climate Challenges and the Role of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
*Learn about the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (The “SDGs”)
The contemporary global community faces unprecedented climate challenges, ranging from extreme weather events to rising sea levels, necessitating swift action. Accelerating the achievement of the UN SDGs is crucial in addressing these challenges. The SDGs encompass a comprehensive framework that includes goals related to environmental sustainability, poverty eradication, gender equality, and more.
The intersection of Islamic teachings with the SDGs creates a powerful synergy, offering a holistic approach to addressing the multifaceted challenges humanity faces. By incorporating the principles of Islam into the pursuit of the SDGs, individuals and communities can foster a more sustainable and equitable world. This harmonious alliance not only aligns with the teachings of Islam but also responds to the urgent call to safeguard the planet for current and future generations.
Challenges and Opportunities
While the integration of Islamic teachings with environmental conservation presents numerous opportunities, it also comes with its own set of challenges. One such challenge involves raising awareness and fostering a deeper understanding of the environmental implications of Islamic principles. This necessitates educational efforts within Muslim communities to highlight the relevance of environmental conservation in the context of faith.
Moreover, addressing environmental issues often requires collective action and collaboration across diverse stakeholders. Engaging with religious leaders, scholars, and community influencers to promote environmental awareness and action is crucial in leveraging the influence of faith towards sustainable change. By fostering partnerships and dialogue, Muslim communities can effectively address environmental challenges and work towards shared solutions.
A New Social Contract
To create meaningful change, a proactive paradigm shift is needed. This involves establishing a new social contract between people and nature, guided and informed by religious values, ethics, and international standards. By incorporating religious teachings into our collective attitudes and behaviours, we can foster sustainable environmental practices at both individual and institutional levels. It is through collective action and shared values that we can protect the environment and achieve a sustainable and harmonious world for generations to come.
Looking Ahead: The Path to a Sustainable Future
It is evident that Islamic teachings play a significant role in guiding Muslims towards protecting the planet. The emphasis on stewardship, the sanctity of creation, balance, and sustainable practices provides a firm foundation for Muslims to engage actively in environmental preservation. By embracing the teachings of Islam and harnessing the power of faith, we can drive positive change and create a more sustainable and harmonious world. Religions, beliefs, and ethical systems play a pivotal role in shifting behaviour towards living in harmony with nature. Integrating religious values and ethics with scientific evidence and policies can accelerate the implementation of the SDGs. Moreover, it can cultivate a generation - spiritually energised by values and ethics - that actively contributes to sustainable development. By combining the power of religion, ethics, and science, we can create a more sustainable future and address the pressing challenges of our time. Through collective responsibility, ethical conduct, and the promotion of ecological balance, Muslim communities can serve as champions for a greener and more sustainable world.
Dr. Al-Banna.
Dr. Hanaa Al-Banna is a specialist in SDGs, Corporate Social Responsibility, and sustainability. She holds the positions of lecturer and module leader at Northumbria University London, International Initiatives Manager at Global One, and adjunct lecturer at Hamad Bin Khalifa University. Dr Hanaa serves as an executive committee member of the United Nations funded program, "the Alliance of NGOs and CSOs for South-South Cooperation," where she plays a crucial role in empowering organizations within the Global South. With a vision to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, she fosters the exchange of knowledge, resources, skills, expertise, and innovative ideas among participating entities. Dr Hanaa has been listed as one of the 100 most influential people in the MENA region for both 2020 and 2021 and as one of region's top 100 sustainability champions in 2023.
Thanks for reading. This article is part of our collection, A Climate Transition Supported by Faith: from the voices of Islamic and Indigenous women, edited by Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo. Check that collection for more. Visit our email list, podcasts and YouTube channel for more content. Sign up for our quarterly emails here.