
Welcome to our living archive, documenting and drawing from diverse wisdoms in regards to today's environmental challenges. Hope you have a nice stay!

30 Years of Restoring Lives and Lands

30 Years of Restoring Lives and Lands

For February 2018 our theme is "Rising from the Ashes" -- how we find rebirth in natural phenomena and ecological restoration. Restoring ecosystems restore LIFE, at all scales, from the micro to the macro and human. We humans are totally dependent on the benevolent life all around (on, and inside of) us. Our lives and our future depends on the greater "sum" of ecosystems, their biodiversity, and their infinitely diverse, productive activities. Seeing our lives as part of this continuum tends to put us in a state of awe and gratitude to the great mystery of Creation and the cycles of life currently so threatened.

Plant With Purpose is the world's leading, Christian environmental restoration organization. Their model empowers the world's poorest and most disadvantaged peoples as environmentally regenerative farmers. The techniques PWP teaches restore ecosystemic productivity and lives - at all scales - in the most ecologically critical regions of our planet.

Learn more about this inspiring organization via the short video below. -Chris Searles (editor)

Plant With Purpose creates transformative, positive change for its participants by balancing three core values:

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Visit PlantWithPurpose.org to get involved. 


Vasant Panchami, Welcoming Spring

Vasant Panchami, Welcoming Spring

Reforesting Israel, Restoring Israel

Reforesting Israel, Restoring Israel