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Rights of Mother Earth Conference

Rights of Mother Earth Conference

"Mother Earth Gives Us Life"

In September of this year AllCreation.org explored indigenous spirituality and how it relates to caring for the creation. That month we touched upon the rich wisdom and deeply engaged spirituality of the world's traditional peoples, "the sustainable peoples."

The Rights of Mother Earth Conference was presented in 2012 by the Indigenous Environmental Network and Pachamama--two world leading advocates for indigenous rights, environmental justice, and ongoing stewardship of the Earth--as an early effort to empower these values and bridge the two worlds: developed and indigenous. 

Here's one great synopsis of the conference: 

Learn more, see more video, via the IEN's info page, "Rights of Mother Earth: Restoring Indigenous Life Ways of Responsibility and Respect."


-Chris Searles

God's Gift of the Earth

God's Gift of the Earth

Pope Francis on Climate Change

Pope Francis on Climate Change