
Welcome to our living archive, documenting and drawing from diverse wisdoms in regards to today's environmental challenges. Hope you have a nice stay!

Sinsinawa Mound, Eric Anglada

Sinsinawa Mound, Eric Anglada

Sinsinawa Mound
Sinsinawa, Wisconsin 

Our ministry lays at the intersection of environmental stewardship, cultural renewal, and a contemplative ecology. Situated in the unique geological “driftless” bioregion of southwest Wisconsin close to the Mississippi River, we offer seasonal ritual and celebrations, as well as eco-spirituality retreats, agricultural workshops, and nature experiences with youth that we call “No Child Left Inside.” You can find a list of our events at sinsinawa.org/moundcenter. Facilitator: Eric Anglada, Lay Leader and Catholic Worker Farmer.

— Eric Anglada, lay leader



Three Rivers Forest Church, James Ravenscroft

Three Rivers Forest Church, James Ravenscroft

Shenandoah Valley Church of the Wild, Rev. Valerie Luna Serrels

Shenandoah Valley Church of the Wild, Rev. Valerie Luna Serrels